The movie “The Giver” tells of a community in the future. It is a community without violence and hate, but also without love. The community lives separate from the rest of the world. Everyone who lives in this community gets a job after they graduate from school. You can request a partner and, if you want, children. Each family consists of two parents and two children, a girl and a boy. Babies are bred in the laboratory because you are not allowed to show yourself naked to anyone. Touching other people who are not part of your family is also prohibited. To suppress feelings everyone gets injections. The only one who knows what it looks like outside of the community and knows feelings is “The Giver”. „The Giver“ guards memories, but may not entrust these memories to anyone. Jones, the main character of the movie, which resulted from a book, is assigned to the “Giver” at the job selection ceremony.
The movie shows how important feelings are, however confusing they may be, without them we humans are simply not complete. Everything that is forbidden in the community is what makes humanity. I can’t recommend a future like this, so let’s never forget how much memories and feelings enrich us and if you don’t know how much, watch this movie and if you prefer books read the book. I hope that the movie will enrich you as much as it enriched me and you will have fun watching it. Best enjoyable with the whole family! The movie is almost completely non-violent and therefore family-friendly, unusual for a science fiction film, but refreshing.
The book was published by Lois Lowry in 1993. The film was first presented in 2014. The director is Philip Noyce. The book and the movie are from America.