I am from Austria but right now I am in America. I am here since pretty much 7 months, that leaves me with 3 more months. It was crazy and still even though I went in all this without any expectations, everything is much different than I thought. The only thing that I was really expecting really came true: I LOVE AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL!
This year has been an emotional rollercoaster ride and it is not over yet.

It started out with me thinking everything here is perfect, the life I always wanted. Until I realised how much freer I was in Austria, how I could go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I started hating every single rule I had to follow and how everyone told me that it was inappropriate to curse. In Austria no one really cares. I started to compare everything with Austria.

Yes, there are things I prefer in America like alcohol free parties. Here no one has to be drunk to have fun. But most of all I started to miss my family. I missed them so much, I can’t even put it in words. I want my little annoying brother to be upset because my mom planned a family activity. I want my Papa, so that I could talk with him about all the books I have been reading. Even though he never really listens, he at least doesn’t interrupt me. And I want to have my Mama here. I love how she planned every day and I always knew exactly when to be where.
A long time all I wanted to do was going home.

And now?
I am still on an emotional rollercoaster ride but it doesn’t feel bad. I’ve just realised that I have my family here. A different one. Even crazier than my austrian family. I have my american family! They do a lot for me. They sacrifice a lot for me but give me even more.

And High School?
I am welcome! Everyone seems open to get to know me and I am part of their school life. They greet me, give me compliments and talk to me. I honestly don’t know how I ever could go to an austrian school. I can’t imagine myself in my austrian school anymore. It doesn’t even feel like I ever was in this school. I will miss all the typical stereotypes from American School: the nerds, the athletes, the cool kids, the freshmens and the drama kids.